Welcome to Caerusia, the realm where learning English merges with the world of fantasy games!

Caerusia is a gamified framework for teaching English as a foreign/second language. It turns the whole lesson into a fantasy game, where the students make their way through vocab extension, grammar practice, skills development… and everything by slaying beasts, fighting duels, waging war, enchanting equipment, working in clans etc. The framework is based on gamification and engagement theory, and is inspired by the most popular RPG games.
Explore the page to see how it works!

Caerusia Bulletin

Vocab Duels can be tough, but there are Magic Items to help you. Some let you attack twice in a row, some provide protection, but if you reach Level 8, you can buy and use the Legendary Magic Item “God of War,” which makes you victorious with a finger snap.
You may get a Curse Point sometimes. But if you win enough Duels and get good marks, you can buy some Holy Water for 100 Gold Coins to erase it. If you have a Level 5 Bard friend, it’s even better – they can do it for 200 Manna Points.
Venture into the outer rims of Caerusia and capture the goblin thieves by solving quick language tasks! Make sure you Enchant your Armour before you go on an adventure – safety first, right?
If they’re diligent at home, the Clan can upgrade their Fortress to provide better protection against the Grammar Beasts. Also, a higher level Fortress will boost the Clan’s Manna and Gold Coin income, which are needed for Skills and Magic Items.
Your Clan needs to be super creative to recruit troops to your Army during a Call to Arms event. Can you grasp the attention of the good people of Caerusia with your posters, recordings, stories etc.? Enchant your Jewellery for a better show!
Win a Vocab Duel or get a good mark, receive Gold Coins, and buy Magic Items. There are many, like the Astral Form that hides your from a Grammar Beast, Holy Water to erase Curse Points, or Hunting Spears against the Goblins.
It takes your Clan four mark 5-s to get from Hometown to the Glade of Whispers or the Shore of Syrens. Both locations will give you Experience and Manna Points, but here you can Enchant your Armour, there your Jewellery. Which route will you pick?
Warsmiths are masters of home learning and diligence. They gain more Materials for doing voluntary Skills Quests, and, at a very high Level, they may use a crib note for 30 seconds during a test.
Did you know that you can have a Pet in Caerusia? Your loyal companion can get you Materials and Gold Coins, help you in events – or on a higher level, they can even distract the teacher for a while during a test!
See those goblin thieves? The more of them you capture (by doing quick tasks), the more rewards you receive. Enchant your Armour to boost your chances!
A level 4 Fortress takes lots of speaking and grammar tasks to build, but it gives the whole Clan protection from Grammar Beasts, on top of extra Manna Points and Gold Coins.
Call to Arms is an event when the Clan can recruit soldiers to their Army. They have to use their creativity during the lesson to attract townsfolk, and increase their chances to defet the Grammar Beasts.
Do what you have to do, and you’ll never receive Curse Points. Should you lose your focus, you might have to say goodbye to some Manna Points and Experience Points.
Bards always help their friends. They can assist you in Vocab Duels, help you receive better marks, or use their Level 5 Skill to erase Curse Points. They are the heart and soul of the Clan.
Certain aspects of Caerusia, for example the mysterious Caerus Points, are only for the most expert students – but they can get good marks easily, if they notice the opportunity.
Bob, the Skeleton is just one of the Beasts who will attack the class with grammar-slashes, so make sure you do your voluntary homework and Enchant your Shield to defend yourself.
Wizards can one time shoot twice in a row at Adventurers in a Vocab Duel. You have to pick your opponents wisely.
The Quest for the Golden Metropolis is a game for Clans. If a member receives a good mark, the Clan can move forward on the map. All locations are full of treasures – where will you wander?
Warriors develop the fastest if they’re active during the lesson. Their Level 3 Skill is to gain double XP for a good answer. Also, Warriors are the strongest Duelists.
Wizards concentrate on tests. Adventurers use tricks to avoid trouble. Warriors are active during the lesson. Bards help others. Warsmiths are diligent at home. There’s a Class for all students.
Achievement is rewarded with Gold Coins. Win a Duel, ace a test, do a project with you Clan, and you’ll have enough Gold Coins for Magic Items.
Do voluntary Quests to get Materials, like Gemstones (for grammar tasks) or Leather (for listening tasks) and Enchant your Cloak to gain more points on a test, Armour to boost your XP, or your Weapon for Vocab Duels and Grammar Beasts. Equipment is the key to victory!
Clans are formed at the beginning of the semester. They go on Presentation Missions, explore the Continent, build Fortresses together, and aways have each other’s back.
Caerusia brings the world of the most popular videogames into the lesson. There’re so many similarities between learning a language and beating a game…
Being acticve is the only way to reach higher Levels and unlock more and more powerful Skills. But if you want to use them, you’ll need to behave well and receive Manna Points from the Green Angel.
Clan Wars are fierce battles between groups of students. The group that knows vocab better will triumph.
If your Clan does their extra homework, you can build a Fortress that will protect you from Grammar Beasts – even from the mighty Tibald, the Stone Giant.
Adventurers are the shadows of the lesson. Sometimes they decide to turn invisible and mind their own business for a while. At a very high Level, they can even avoid tests!
Wizards are masters of tests and can get good marks easily. Their Level 1 Skill is to gain +1% on a test, but that’s only the beginning.
Make sure you ask a Bard‘s help to erase a Curse Point before reaching the limit, or you’ll lose Experience Points and all your Manna Points.
If you do voluntary homework, you can Enchant your Equipment to gain more Experience Points, Manna Points, or even extra points for a test. Warsmiths are the kings and queens of Enchantments.
Bards gain a Manna Potion if they win a Vocab Duel against a Wizard.
You need that 1% to get a better mark? Want to be invincible at Vocab Duels? Do you fear the Grammar Beast? Don’t worry – you can always use your test-reward Gold Coins to buy fancy Magic Items.
In ancient Greece, Caerus was the god of opportunities. Today, Caerusia is a gamified framework of opportunities.
Meet Scrooge, the first Grammar Beast you’ll have to face. Fret not! You can always use your Shield to defend yourself, or your Weapon to slay those Beasts.
Behave well and enjoy the gifts of the Green Angel. Should you lose focus, you’ll have to face her friends… who are not as friendly as she is.
Study a lot, ace those tests, and you can discover a whole continent!
Are your students benevolent Bards, who help their peers, or mighty Warriors, who are happy to compete?
Motivation is good. Engagement is better.
Find new ways to connect with your students.
Gamifiction is fun.